Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Suggestions/Feedback/Comments, etc..

Hey everybody,
With the year now over and the new JHAC board now established, the new board is looking for suggestions for the upcoming year. We are always looking for ways to make you, the members of the club, find the club more enjoyable. What were things you liked/disliked this year? What can we do to improve the club? Are there certain shows/genres you would like to see shown more/less? Should meeting formats be changed? Feedback regarding the blogs? Event/activity suggestions? Too much/lack of publicity of the club? Anything else? We will take all comments into consideration and while we cannot guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled, hopefully this provides some motivation to get your voice heard.

Comments are open to all.

1 comment:

  1. From what I have seen after being here 4 years, the biggest problem this club has had is that onlookers just see a bunch of folks watching movies quietly in the dark. There is little reason for me to go out of my way on the weekend to watch an anime series, especially when most of them can be watched online at any point for free. I would suggest more discussion or activity to make members feel that there is a reason to come together and watch. Might also want to make more of a habit of showing series that are still new or being released weekly, giving more reason to come by and watch.
