About Us

The Johns Hopkins Animation Club (JHAC) is a Class A group under the Johns Hopkins University Student Activities Commission (JHU SAC) Office of Recreation and Hobbies. Our mission is to provide and promote animation within the Johns Hopkins community.

To this end, we conduct regular, weekly showings during the academic year that are open to the public at large. We also organize events such as movie and convention trips. Furthermore, our members are entitled to discounts with selected retailers as well as access to our ever growing library.

JHAC is committed to playing an active role in the anime community at large. Collaboration and cooperation with other clubs, the industry, and the media are all important to JHAC.

The club meets weekly on Fridays and Saturdays at 7 PM in Maryland 110.

2012-2013 Officers:
Officer Title Name Contact
President George Jiang gjiang2@jhu.edu
Vice President Zserilyn Finney zfinney1@jhu.edu